The project manager is expected to deliver on time and within budget and a project that requires CAD tools and CAE/CAM design software will be adversely affected if there are not enough licenses available. Productivity will be improved because denials of service will occur at an acceptable level, and even when they do, you can easily identify other licenses that are out and not being used, and retrieve them. Where it is clear that a named license is required for a specific user, the CAD license manager application provides reporting that supports the request.OpenLM has an optional extension that will alert the user when a license frees up, without them having to keep retrying to pull the license.Use OpenLM CAD manager tool to identify idle licenses that can be harvested and freed up for users who are waiting.Sometimes denials of service will occur, but there are several ways to mitigate this:. This is why concurrent licensing is such a good solution – the license is available for anyone to use and is shared. But this is just not viable because it means the license would be lying idle when the user is on leave, in a meeting, on site or doing something else for any other reason. In an ideal world every engineer would have his or her own named license to use when required. Using the capabilities of OpenLM’s CAD management software simplifies the optimization and management of CAD, and this should be good news to your stakeholders. additional aids like pushing alerts to users when a license is freed.objective reporting of license utilization to compare against vendor reporting.monitoring all your CAD programs where you have more than one CAD/CAM/CAE design software application.a view of all licenses available across multiple servers.CAD manager tools like OpenLM offer capabilities beyond that of a license server that can be a godsend to CAD managers.

Other factors, such as multiple license servers and hybrid licensing in which the majority use the concurrent pool, plus some named licenses, add complexity to the task. Ensuring a balance between the pool of concurrent licenses available and the number of users who need their CAD tools is a constant juggling act.